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The Origins of Racism in the UK and the Cure

The origins of racism are straightforward.  Either the bulk of the population dislikes a certain racial characteristic because it is strange, distasteful for some reason or has cultural connotations or those with a racial characteristic become separated from the bulk of society for other reasons such as recent migration.  Races become concentrated in localities called ghettos.  The word "Ghetto" is now accreting a racist connotation and I will discuss this below.

Once separated the racial group may become more or less prosperous than the society at large.  If the group becomes less prosperous it can enter a downward spiral of poverty and racial discrimination because the adults transmit messages and attitudes of despair and alienation to their children.  Poor racial ghettos are prone to crime in the same way as many poor districts which leads to confrontation between the racial group and the police.  The police are seen as the representatives of society at large which leads to further alienation and separation. Rich ghettos can become the object of resentment by the bulk of the population.

Poor ghettos are a major part of the problem of racism.  Given that the white British are a minority in London it is also useful to consider poor white ghettos which have very similar outcomes and attitudes to poor black ghettos.  In Britain both groups live in areas of "social" housing - what used to be called Council Estates.  

Both the black and white poor ghetto dwellers tend to be more racist than the general community and probably as racist as each other.

In the next section I am going to review serious racism in black and white communities.  The object is to show that racism is self perpetuating, not that black people are bad people.

Non-white people are far more likely to commit racist murders than the general population; as the Guardian reported "between 1995 and 2004 there have been 58 murders where the police consider a racial element played a key part. Out of these, 24 have been where the murder victim was white" ... 17 of whom were victims of non-white attackers.  This has been explained as due to there being far more white people than black (6 times as many) but this is disingenuous, it does explain why there are so many non-whites killed but does not explain why there are so many whites killed.  The apparent truth is that non-white people are at least twice as likely to indulge in racist murders as the general population.  However, if we were able to inspect the origins of the white perpetrators of racist murders we would probably find they come from a small number of poor white ghettos.  The figures are not available but it is likely that poor ghettos cause racist murders whether they are Black or White.

There is a similar pattern to hate crime where white victims are almost as common as non-white.  Almost 40% of all racist hate crime is perpetrated against "white" people (0.1% of 55 million is 55000, which is roughly 40% of the racist hate crime total).

Which should give us pause for thought. The "other ethnic group" includes Poles etc. so there is the suggestion here that if the non-white population is a fifth of the population and non-white on white hate crimes are almost as common as white on non-white hate crimes then individual non-whites are five times as likely to commit hate crimes as whites.

We have the paradox that if criminal profiling of hate crime were to be enacted we would have squads of police patrolling black areas of our cities where the crimes are densest.  The figures show that there are substantial numbers of ethnic minorities who are sufficiently alienated that they act in a racist fashion towards the bulk of society.  This should be no surprise to anyone who has lived in a large British, multi-ethnic city.  Such behaviour will always lead to increased separation between minorities and majorities and is an expected result of ghetto living.

We can see from the data that our media has divided society into black people and the general, racist population when the reality is very different.  Racism and alienation is ubiquitous in most societies and the victims can also be the perpetrators.  Racism is a failure of governance, usually as a result of political parties that desire to perpetuate difference and conflict.

I may be accused of playing "fast and loose" with the figures but those who present figures to show universal victimisation of BAME groups are the real experts at fabrication of data.  They frequently use the lowest possible figures for the percentage of BAME people in society and the highest possible figures for the percentage of BAME people in the "victim" group, such as those imprisoned by the criminal justice system. This method yields an appearance of universal racism.  Black is not an objective concept and differences in classification can have enormous effects on the figures. 

Class also massively affects the figures as this table of the characteristics of prisoners shows:

The figure of 70% of prisoners suffering from mental illness sounds extreme but a Parliamentary Report mentions 90% as a commonly accepted figure.  This makes statements such as "Black people constitute 2.7% of the population aged 10-17, but represent 8.5% of all those arrested in England and Wales.[31]"(Parliamentary Report) into total racist nonsense. Especially given that "mixed race" were almost certainly added to Black in the arrested group and 2.7% is the lowest figure for the "Black" proportion of the population available (the real comparison is probably 5%+ versus 8.5%). We know that those in Black ghettos are disadvantaged for reasons other than race, as are those in poor white ghettos.  Why Parliamentarians indulge in such arrant, polarising racism will be considered below.

Given that ghettos cause the trouble the cure is clearly to disperse the ghettos. Ghettos are based on social housing so dispersion is in the hands of the State.  The best way to implement dispersion is to find jobs for unemployed ghetto residents in small towns and arrange a social housing transfer as part of the job placement.  All of which would be voluntary.  This process would apply to both poor white and black ghettos and would remove much of the environmental stimulus for continued alienated behaviour.  It is important that any social housing freed in this way is gentrified and not seen as an opportunity to house more migrants and hence perpetuate the problem.

Which brings us to the idea that "ghetto" is a racist term and why Parliamentarians are so keen to polarise society.   The most obvious reason in the UK is that the Labour Party gets much of its support from the BAME population.

Notice that without this support Labour would be unable to get elected again.  

The Labour Party are well aware of their "ethnic" support and have modulated migration policy to increase it:

Immigration only escalated to high numbers after 1997 (Blair's government).  Indeed, increasing immigration seems to have been Labour's first policy upon gaining power.

It would be political suicide for labour to have a harmonious society when they depend on groups that identify as victims.  However, beyond the self interest of Labour, the Left has adopted postmodern ideas

The maintenance of continual friction within a society is a revolutionary objective.  If there were no groups to polarise against each other the Revolution would be lost.  We can see from this why "Ghetto" is to be labelled "racist" because identifying the causes of and cures for racism is not the objective of the Postmodernist/Postmarxist.  Those in the media who stir the polarisation of modern Britain are postmodern and enjoy the conflict and have vague but absurd ideas that out of conflict and revolution will come an "answer".  The answer will never arise if the problem is not identified and the only real result the media will achieve is pain and suffering through conflict.

This article is not saying that racism is not a problem, it is saying that racism is by no means the biggest problem.  Class and postmodern political ideology are far worse problems.

If you doubt that Black Lives Matter is a Revolutionary movement see Black Lives Matter: A dangerous conspiracy.



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