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Black Lives Matter: A Dangerous Conspiracy?

The Black Lives Matter (BLM) Movement was founded in 2013.  The three founders of BLM are Far Left, Maoist activists, check the links given here to view their biographies: Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi.

The Corporate Media has been careful to hide the affiliations of the BLM founders, Cullors said: “Myself and Alicia [Garza] in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on ideological theories.” (See video clip at the end of this article). BLM was renamed from "Black Lives Matter" back to the "Black Liberation Movement" in October 2020.

BLM was supported initially by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) AKA Liberation Road (See BLM Roots).  Black Lives Matter and its various spin-offs now get much of their money from the Ford, Kellogg, Hewlett and Rockefeller Foundations, Borealis Philanthropy and Soros foundations. The funding amounts to over a hundred million dollars (See Washington Times and see Note 1). A lot of the funding and preparation occurred before the current BLM riots in the USA. Not a bad income for organisations dedicated to the overthrow of the current US State.

So what is going on? The Ford and Rockefeller Foundations used to run finance operations for the CIA (see for instance clearance of CIA documents from Rockefeller storage and Note 2) and helped project Western soft power; why have they switched to running organisations that appear dedicated to radical change in US politics and even the overthrow of the US Government?

The Ford and Rockefeller Foundations who fund BLM were also central to the finance of the "European Movement", the shady organisation that led the campaign to create the EU (See Surprise! Surprise! The EU was invented by the USA).  David Rockefeller also created the Trilateral Commission and was involved in establishing Bilderberg.  Soros funded the "People's Vote" campaign, the abortive attempt to overthrow the EU Referendum in the UK.  These are unlikely organisations to be financing a Maoist group like FRSO and they would not be fooled by all the FRSO spin-offs such as BLM etc. (see note 1). 

It could indeed be the case that Ford, Rockefeller, Kellog etc. are doing penance for their fascist and anti-semitic past. However, take a look at Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO), it looks like disinformation:

FRSO web site on 3rd July

"All power to the workers" is like a high school spoof of a Left Wing Site.  No doubt it has recruited sincere members but a Maoist organisation and its spin offs cannot receive funds from the Ford and Rockefeller foundations, something is amiss.

The only answer that I can give is that something is definitely wrong here.  We are definitely being messed with by powerful actors such as Ford, Rockefeller etc.  They have financed serious civil unrest across the world.  My best guess is that they are hoping for a severe right wing backlash that will allow emergency measures to prevent "terrorism".  This has not happened.  It is also possible that they are hoping the protests will knock a few more points off Trump's approval ratings.

To introduce more perplexity into this issue, a recent poll found that 34% of Americans think that a Civil War is likely in the next 5 years - see Rasmussen Report.  China is certainly hoping for war, it was caught shipping 10,000 parts for automatic weapons to the US in May (See Great Game India). 
CNN puts "Independence" in quotes
As in France in 1968, it is very unlikely that Civil War will happen, but the fact that the Corporate Media is avidly supporting the Far Left attack on the roots of the USA is disturbing.
Black militia. See Newsweek
A 1000 armed black militia marched at the weekend in Stone Mountain Park, Georgia, which is a park dedicated to Confederate heroes.
That the Corporate Media globally is forcing people to kneel in obedience to the BLM movement has chilling echoes of the Maoist Cultural Revolution (1966-72).

Taking the knee?
What are our journalists and broadcasters in the UK doing? Suppressing any coverage of the roots of BLM and backing Ford and Rockefeller no doubt. They are even suspending presenters such as Stu Peters for questioning BLM and shadow banning people such as Martin Shipton, the Western Mail's Chief reporter, for mentioning that the protests are inappropriate during COVID19.  Why?

After World War II the Western Allies created numerous Internationalist organisations from the UN to the World Bank. These organisations are deeply upset by Brexit and Trump.  Shortly after the EU Referendum I met an old friend who was a senior official in the World Bank.  She was absolutely devastated.  It was as if her life's work were being dismantled.  When Trump was elected she was apoplectic.  I have since talked to other senior World Bank employees and found the same attitude.  These people really, deeply believed that the world was on a trajectory to a peaceful transition to global government.  It comes over as fanaticism, especially given that China and Russia have no intention of being governed by the West.

The Ford and Rockefeller Foundations and Soros' various organisations  were explicitly created to further Internationalism.  Their staff also deeply believe that the optimal state of the world is global government.

The truth is that global government is completely off the table, mostly because of the rise of China, India and Russia, but also because Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand etc. are no longer poor and prefer independence to Western dominance.  Globalisation has had exactly the opposite effect from what the Internationalists desired.  There is now no possibility of global government.

The Internationalists are in a difficult position. Their life's work is in ruins. Who do they blame?  They cannot blame Russia, China etc. because if the world itself rejects globalism then Extreme Internationalism was always a lie and just a front for Western power.  The only way out is to blame those in the West who reject Extreme Internationalism, to blame Brexit and Trump.  They think that if they can destroy Brexit and Trump all will be well with the world again.

I was talking to a major leader in the Aid Industry last week and he was utterly dismissive of the rise of China.  China was, according to him, a regional power of no consequence.  The globalising Internationalists just cannot believe that the world has changed.  They are blanking out the change and turning their ire on the "populism" (ie: democratic change) in their own countries.

This brings us to the real problem.  Some of these Internationalist organisations have a record of utter ruthlessness.  Ford and Rockefeller have been used by the CIA to overthrow regimes and foment civil war throughout the world.  They are also misreading China entirely, believing it to be on the edge of sharing their beliefs in global government.  As lost fanatics who have no idea what is happening in the world it is even possible that the Extreme Internationalists will ally with China and turn their huge subversive power on the UK and USA.  It is possible that they saw "populism" coming and ten years ago began providing resources to groups in the West that might overthrow those who threaten their dream of International Order.

It is ironic that China and the Internationalist Foundations are both supporting the same organisations in the USA.  Xi Jinping must be laughing every time he thinks of US soft power turning on the USA itself. However, we should not be surprised that corporate groups favour National Socialism - see Note 2 below.


Note 1:

FRSO runs the following organisations:  Right to the City Alliance, School of Unity and Liberation (SOUL), People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER), Forward Together, Black Alliance for Just Immigration, The Advancement Project and National Domestic Workers Alliance and many more.

The Right to the City Alliance got $6.5 million between 2011 and 2014 from a number of very established tax-exempt foundations including the Ford Foundation ($1.9 million), from both of George Soros’s major tax-exempts–Open Society Foundations, and the Foundation to Promote Open Society for $1.3 million. Also the cornflake-tied Kellogg Foundation $250,000, and curiously, Ben & Jerry’s Foundation (ice cream) for $30,000.

The Right to the City Alliance since 2009 received $1.3 million from the Ford Foundation, as well as $600,000 from the Soros foundations and again, Ben & Jerry’s ($50,000). And Garza’s SOUL, which claimed to have trained 712 “organizers” in 2014, when she co-founded Black Lives Matter, got $210,000 from the Rockefeller Foundation and another $255,000 from the Heinz Foundation (ketchup and John Kerry family) among others. With the Forward Together of FRSO, Garza sat on the board of a “multi-racial organization that works with community leaders and organizations to transform culture and policy to catalyze social change.” It officially got $4 million in 2014 revenues and from 2012 and 2014, the organization received a total of $2.9 million from Ford Foundation ($655,000) and other major foundations.

Most of the payments have gone through "Thousand Currents" whose vice-chair is Susan Rosenberg who served sixteen years in jail for terrorism.

Black Alliance for Just Immigration. Kellogg Foundation for $75,000 and Soros foundations for $100,000, and, again, Ben & Jerry’s ($10,000). Director got $60,000 in 2014 see:

The Advancement Project, which describes itself as “a next generation, multi-racial civil rights organization.” Its board includes a former Obama US Department of Education Director of Community Outreach and a former Bill Clinton Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. The FRSO Advancement Project in 2013 got millions from major US tax-exempt foundations including Ford ($8.5 million), Kellogg ($3 million), Hewlett Foundation of HP defense industry founder ($2.5 million), Rockefeller Foundation ($2.5 million), and Soros foundations ($8.6 million).

As early as 2016 Soros foundations gave $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement. See:

In 2016 the Ford Foundation and Borealis Philanthropy announced the formation of the Black-Led Movement Fund (BLMF), “a six-year pooled donor campaign aimed at raising $100 million for the Movement for Black Lives coalition” in which BLM was a central part.


Note 2

Background information on the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations

Both Henry Ford and JD Rockefeller were Nazi sympathisers. Many British people are unaware of the fact that the USA was as likely to support Germany as Britain in 1939. 

The Rockefeller Foundation

John D Rockefeller created the Rockefeller Foundation in 1913.  According to Wikipedia:

Beginning in 1930 the Rockefeller Foundation provided financial support to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics,[25] which later inspired and conducted eugenics experiments in the Third Reich.
The Rockefeller Foundation funded Nazi racial studies even after it was clear that this research was being used to rationalize the demonizing of Jews and other groups. Up until 1939 the Rockefeller Foundation was funding research used to support Nazi racial science studies at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics (KWIA.) Reports submitted to Rockefeller did not hide what these studies were being used to justify, but Rockefeller continued the funding and refrained from criticizing this research so closely derived from Nazi ideology. The Rockefeller Foundation did not alert "the world to the nature of German science and the racist folly" that German anthropology promulgated, and Rockefeller funded, for years after the passage of the 1935 Nuremberg racial laws.[26]

The Rockefeller Foundation, along with the Carnegie Institution, was the primary financier for the Eugenics Record Office, until 1939.

The Ford Foundation

Created in 1936 by Henry Ford and Edsel Ford.

“You can tell Herr Ford that I am a great admirer of his,” Hitler said. “I shall do my best to put his theories into practice in Germany. ... I regard Henry Ford as my inspiration.” Washington Post

The Ford Foundation was especially active for the CIA after WWII

Notice the CIA roots of David Milliband's International Rescue Committee.  A nice sinecure in payment for foisting the Lisbon Treaty on the UK.


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