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London Riots - What the hell did you expect?

Don't worry, the rioters hate the English as well, they just put their hatred into action, you do it by rejection...

I live near Croydon and my heart sinks as I see Reeve's Corner go up in flames. A decent family business run by decent local people and just look at it.

But what did you expect? I have seen Croydon go from a sleepy suburban centre into a place where no-one belongs. The rioters are people who do not care, like almost everyone else in London, they are not attached to their local community and culture, just to their local mates, their tribe. This does not excuse their reckless behaviour, they must be punished, but it means that other people should also be held to account, in particular the previous government that spent half a generation dividing and destroying society (the present government hasn't even got round to cutting the numbers of police in London as yet). It also means that you and I should re-assess the idea of creating numerous separate tribes in England. It is not holy to support the disintegration of a cohesive, civilised society, it is barbaric.

There is now very little effort to forge a single nation from England. Teachers and politicians have been avoiding the issue for at least a generation so that everyone has been badly brought up, rioters and those "Colonel Blimps" who condemn them alike. You can tell how badly brought up and educated you have been, most English people cringe if they are asked to stand up for England and the English, they have been taught to reject their own community. I bet you are cringeing now and searching for reasons why you should reject calls to support your fellow citizens and are coming up with reviled terms like "patriotism" and "nationalism" to excuse a rejection of your neighbours. Don't worry, the rioters hate the English as well, they just put their hatred into action, you do it by rejection... Most people who read this article will continue to cling to the current media driven ideas of globalization and the dismantlement of local identity and culture but they should not be surprised if riots and terrorism happen and their world shrinks to work, out of town shopping malls, telly and computer and your own little tribe. "Nationalism", yuk, how could I mention such a thing when multiculturalism (tribalism) is the future?

But if we were affectionate to our fellow countrymen we would be in favour of a single nation with a shared set of values. Our hearts would bleed for the poor, even if some of them have been criminal. |We would not simply scream condemnation like a set of Colonel Blimps. We would understand that the rioters have been raised rudderless and tribal, and now have every cause to despair. The youths here cannot afford to even get a driving licence at £4000 a shot for insurance. They can't afford to go to college. A huge number are out of work and facing a future where, without rich parents to buy you qualifications, you will never get a job: qualifications that were not necessary for the same job twenty years ago.

You can also tell how divided and how far we are from a single nation from the news, just look at the "Wombles", the clean up brigades and compare them with the rioters, there is a massive, visible difference of class and race, they are from different worlds without any comprehension of each other.

Politicians have filled the country with differences, put everyone in a straight-jacket of regulations and qualifications and then destroyed the economy by borrowing to the hilt. Are you surprised that it would result in the riots and disorder?

Just look at the TV and the newspapers tomorrow to see what happens when social cohesion is recklessly undermined. Read the rest of the articles on this website to see how the social breakdown behind these riots occurred.

Is there an answer? Yes, stop teachers from teaching disrespect, teach manners and civic pride instead, stop the influx of hundreds of thousands of people every year that undermine every effort to help the poor, make integrity the most important object of police training, stop the stratification of society by purchased qualifications, instill a sense of common purpose in children, proselytise against wealth and fame, wealth and fame are not career options, stop creating yobs, stop creating and importing people without any stake in society, stop despair ...

Unfortunately we will not get the right answer, the population seems hell bent on implementing the "holy" creed of multiculturalism yet will be blind to its effects and will blame the tribes that they create for their menace whether it be rioting or terrorism or ultra-nationalism.


The roots of New Labour - a lot of people don't realise that Labour is a revolutionary party that desires polarisation as a necessary means to an end.
Immigration, house prices and boom economics - Brown's scam for massaging the economy for a few years.
The worst governments since the first world war - Major, Blair and Brown, the worst ever?
The benefits of immigration to the UK economy - none, really, none at all.
Its education stupid - class warfare in the classroom.
On being English - God help us.
Multiculturalism - believe it or not people think they are "holy" supporting the demon philosopher Derrida.


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