UK Broadcasters seldom produce fake news but they suppress and omit news instead. There have been numerous important news items that have been omitted or suppressed over the past three months. The suppressed news is largely about Brexit and China. This is a list of some of the most important events that have been suppressed:
Each on its own is fairly major but there is a pattern. The pattern has been clarified today by Mathias Dopfner who is head of Axel Springer, the giant German publisher, who intimated that the EU and UK must not allow hatred of Trump to dictate their policy towards China. This view was also put forward by Chris Patten in an interview on the BBC PM program on 12th May.
Trump is the President of a democratic Ally. Why would the "EU" and "UK" feel that their foreign policy should be dictated by which decisions might weaken his hold on power? The people of the EU and UK cannot vote in US elections and most of them just regard Trump as a Chump and have no desire to depose him using external pressure. So who are these people who see themselves as acting on our behalf?
Patten and Dopfner seem to have in mind a group of like minded individuals. People who are anti-Trump to such a degree that they would let China escape from any liability for COVID19 and who hate the British for Brexit. Patten and Dopfner are linked with the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group. They obtain their power and influence from these groups.
These corporate groups are so powerful and their control of the media so complete that they have managed to convince the weak minded that any questioning of plutocratic power blocs is the work of the insane and lovers of conspiracy theories who should take the tin foil off their heads. Just check out the current Trilateral Commission Europe members (Note that Keir Starmer is a member) and Bilderberg Attendees. Please click on the links above for Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg and take a look at who is involved. The control exercised by these groups is decentralised but nonetheless overwhelming. The Bilderberg Group occasionally delegates tasks to senior members, as it did in the case of Brexit, but usually the control by these groups is not explicit and results from the creepiness of journalists and minor CEOs who think their careers will blossom if they support the plutocrats.
- The role of China in leaking and spreading COVID 19.
- The French Navy is escorting illegal migrants to the UK
- The incorrect advice given by the WHO in January that said human-human transmission of COVID-19 does not happen and travel to Wuhan is safe.
- The videos of EU negotiators celebrating victory over the UK.
- The existence of Hardware Trojans in Chinese supplied electronics equipment.
- The threats issued by China to Australia and EU.
- The suppression by Twitter and YouTube of documentaries and publications that criticise China.
- The dependence of Apple, and Amazon and numerous multinational corporations on Chinese suppliers.
- The true reasons for the PPE crisis.
- That the UK will be paying £6.7 bn net to the EU in 2021 and £5.2bn net in 2022
- The fact that keeping UK air, rail and sea borders open has killed tens of thousands of us .
Each on its own is fairly major but there is a pattern. The pattern has been clarified today by Mathias Dopfner who is head of Axel Springer, the giant German publisher, who intimated that the EU and UK must not allow hatred of Trump to dictate their policy towards China. This view was also put forward by Chris Patten in an interview on the BBC PM program on 12th May.
Trump is the President of a democratic Ally. Why would the "EU" and "UK" feel that their foreign policy should be dictated by which decisions might weaken his hold on power? The people of the EU and UK cannot vote in US elections and most of them just regard Trump as a Chump and have no desire to depose him using external pressure. So who are these people who see themselves as acting on our behalf?
Patten and Dopfner seem to have in mind a group of like minded individuals. People who are anti-Trump to such a degree that they would let China escape from any liability for COVID19 and who hate the British for Brexit. Patten and Dopfner are linked with the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group. They obtain their power and influence from these groups.
These corporate groups are so powerful and their control of the media so complete that they have managed to convince the weak minded that any questioning of plutocratic power blocs is the work of the insane and lovers of conspiracy theories who should take the tin foil off their heads. Just check out the current Trilateral Commission Europe members (Note that Keir Starmer is a member) and Bilderberg Attendees. Please click on the links above for Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg and take a look at who is involved. The control exercised by these groups is decentralised but nonetheless overwhelming. The Bilderberg Group occasionally delegates tasks to senior members, as it did in the case of Brexit, but usually the control by these groups is not explicit and results from the creepiness of journalists and minor CEOs who think their careers will blossom if they support the plutocrats.
Ask yourself: should such gatherings of oligarchs and ultra powerful individuals even be allowed in principle if we desire democracy in the world? Members of these groups will ask "where is the problem? We only act together for the good of everyone?" but of course, we have democratic governments to do that so that one faction, such as oligarchs and CEOs, doesn't end up in charge. Indeed democracy arises because of the need to stop that faction being in charge.
In the past the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg had enormous power. Bilderberg was created to cement corporate power, especially US and UK corporate power in Europe after WWII. The men who run the giant corporations in the West are now failing to come to terms with a new power: China. China can bankrupt giant corporations like Apple and severely damage others like Daimler, Amazon etc. because they control the ability of these corporations to produce and sell low cost products. If China refused to sell cut price electronics to Apple it would go out of business.
What is happening is that nowadays the Corporations and Banks of the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg and other Multinational Corporate groups are huge threats to the West because not only do they undermine the democratic process by co-opting Western politicians and media but they have a secret sleeping partner, China, which overtops all of them. China is whispering in the ears of the corporate CEOs and turning them into puppets. Organisations that were set up to give the USA enhanced, Big Business, power abroad are now being infiltrated by Chinese influence. The hidden power of our democratic ally, the USA, is being replaced by the hidden power of China. This must be stopped.
Reflect on the fact that Kamal Ahmed, the Editorial Director of BBC News, used to top his Twitter page with Davos (World Economic Forum) notepaper to show how "in" he is with the plutocrats:
No doubt when he appointed Faisal Islam he reassured him with tales of how he, too, could be "in" with the big boys. And reflect on the fact that Rona Fairhead, Bilderberger and the HSBC Director in charge of laundering corporate funds through Luxembourg, was appointed Chair of the BBC Trust to ensure that, as John Humphrys exposed, the BBC took the "correct" view on Brexit. We need look no further to explain the creepy behaviour of the BBC.
Postscript: The Bilderberg Group was set up by Jozef Retinger on behalf of the "European Movement", the organisation established after WWII by the Allies to create a European Union. Lord Heseltine is president and Kenneth Clarke Vice President of the European Movement UK. The European Movement set up and procured finance for the StrongerIn campaign. See The Funding of StrongerIn. They openly admit to involvement in the "People's Vote" campaign but omit that they arranged the finance for it.
In the past the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg had enormous power. Bilderberg was created to cement corporate power, especially US and UK corporate power in Europe after WWII. The men who run the giant corporations in the West are now failing to come to terms with a new power: China. China can bankrupt giant corporations like Apple and severely damage others like Daimler, Amazon etc. because they control the ability of these corporations to produce and sell low cost products. If China refused to sell cut price electronics to Apple it would go out of business.
What is happening is that nowadays the Corporations and Banks of the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg and other Multinational Corporate groups are huge threats to the West because not only do they undermine the democratic process by co-opting Western politicians and media but they have a secret sleeping partner, China, which overtops all of them. China is whispering in the ears of the corporate CEOs and turning them into puppets. Organisations that were set up to give the USA enhanced, Big Business, power abroad are now being infiltrated by Chinese influence. The hidden power of our democratic ally, the USA, is being replaced by the hidden power of China. This must be stopped.
Reflect on the fact that Kamal Ahmed, the Editorial Director of BBC News, used to top his Twitter page with Davos (World Economic Forum) notepaper to show how "in" he is with the plutocrats:
No doubt when he appointed Faisal Islam he reassured him with tales of how he, too, could be "in" with the big boys. And reflect on the fact that Rona Fairhead, Bilderberger and the HSBC Director in charge of laundering corporate funds through Luxembourg, was appointed Chair of the BBC Trust to ensure that, as John Humphrys exposed, the BBC took the "correct" view on Brexit. We need look no further to explain the creepy behaviour of the BBC.
Postscript: The Bilderberg Group was set up by Jozef Retinger on behalf of the "European Movement", the organisation established after WWII by the Allies to create a European Union. Lord Heseltine is president and Kenneth Clarke Vice President of the European Movement UK. The European Movement set up and procured finance for the StrongerIn campaign. See The Funding of StrongerIn. They openly admit to involvement in the "People's Vote" campaign but omit that they arranged the finance for it.