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Corporatism and Communitarianism

The EU is the work of a group of people, the "European Movement" who strongly believe that they know what is best for the people of Europe.

The "European Movement" is a hugely powerful organisation that is the chief promulgator of Communitarianism in the EU.  It founded the Bilderberg Group of Multinational Corporations to finance and press its case and runs National Units such as the European Movement UK.  The European Movement UK runs the campaign for a Second Referendum and is the principal body behind all the Remain campaigns  (See funding of StrongerIn).  It is shocking that the UK Media scarcely mentions the European Movement or the Bilderberg Group, these two organisations are immensely powerful and most journalists are too cowardly to risk crossing them.  Anyone who even mentions the Bilderberg Group is immediately dismissed as a conspiracy theorist and told to take the tin foil hat off their head! But just take a look at the European Movement website here:  European Movement UK and in the links above.

As you can see from these quotes below, the European Movement does not believe in democracy:

"One must act 'as if' in Europe: as if one wanted only very few things, in order to obtain a great deal. As if nations were to remain sovereign, in order to convince them to surrender their sovereignty."  Giuliano Amato, Prime Minister of Italy 2000 [1]

"Europe's nations should be guided towards the superstate without their people understanding what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps, each diguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversably lead to federation."  Jean Monnet, founding father of the EU. 1943

What is not generally understood by those who wish to Remain in the EU is that this dismissal of British democratic values is normal in pro-EU movements on the Continent.  The name that was originally given to the idea of transcending democracy by removing nation states and borders in Europe is "Communitarianism: Its overriding philosophy is based upon the belief that a person's social identity and personality are largely molded by community relationships, with a smaller degree of development being placed on individualism".   Communitarianism was at the heart of National Socialism in the 1930s  (See Communitarian Third Way: Alexandre Marc and Ordre Nouveau, 1930-2000 By John Hellman). It is also not widely known in the UK that National Socialists favoured the establishment of an EEC in the 1940s. (See for instance: Origins of the EU).

 Communitarianism is a term that suggests the replacement of privately owned corporations with state owned industry.  This is no longer the case in modern Communitarianism which should probably be renamed Corporatism because it embraces both public and private sector corporations but reviles individual liberty.  That the EU is a Communitarian enterprise doesn't even raise eyebrows in Europe:

“The reforms Macron proposed in the Sorbonne speech are not a French vision of Europe, but a communitarian one. It is shared by the majority of the members of the big parties in the European Parliament, as well as by civil society actors.” Euractiv.

The Communitarian project in the EU is not interested in democracy.  Ordinary British people - those who are not Marxist, Post-Marxist, Communitarian or Corporatist (which embraces all of these) - cannot conceive of a political environment where democracy is assumed to be an impediment to progress.  They literally cannot believe that there are large numbers of people, indeed whole political parties on the Continent of Europe, that see individual liberty and democracy as objectionable populism.  Who revile individualism.

In the same way as decent British people cannot really conceive of EU Communitarianism the EU Communitarians and their offspring, the National Socialists, cannot really get a grip on British values.  The ideological gap between National Rally and Macron  is nowhere near as great as the gap between both of these and the ordinary British voter.

The European Movement has realized for decades that the only way to convert the British to Communitarianism is to subvert the UK from within.  The huge difficulty facing those who want to get to grips with this European Movement campaign is that it operates through the Bilderberg Group which only ever informally delegates operational control of campaigns to its members. As the European Movement chief Jozef Retinger put it:

"We decided, however, that none of the new ideas and initiatives would be developed by the group, but that they should be passed on to some persons or organization who could further develop them." (The Bilderberg Group by J. Retinger).

The prime tool being used by the European Movement via Bilderberg is almost certainly "Common Purpose", an organisation that is especially active amongst senior managers in the UK Media, Government and Local Authorities.  The attendees at Common Purpose training sessions know they have been exposed to something that is not quite British so are loathe to talk about the indoctrination they received.  Government Departments have resisted various requests to explore their involvement with Common Purpose.  The BBC has issued a whitewash of Common Purpose similar to its whitewash of the Bilderberg Group, a whitewash that failed to mention that Bilderberg was founded by the European Movement.  Which is not surprising given that the BBC never mentions the European Movement.  The BBC has also failed to comment on its own attendance at the Bilderberg Meeting that delegated startup funding of the European Movement StrongerIn campaign to Goldman Sachs.

Bilderberg Attendees June 2015. Click for original copy
Why are we not shocked that the BBC attends secret meetings that plotted the EU campaign in the battle for UK Independence?  Or that it sends senior editorial staff for Common Purpose training.

See also: Common Purpose Exposed

1. Italian Prime Minister Giuliano Amato, later Vice-President of the EU Constitutional Convention, interview with Barbara Spinelli, La Stampa, 13 July 2000.

2. Communitarian Third Way: Alexandre Marc and Ordre Nouveau, 1930-2000


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