In almost all cases of untreatable infectious diseases the health authorities use quarantine as the method of controlling the infection. In the case of HIV/AIDS the UN were lobbied by Human Rights groups to declare that isolation was a violation of the human rights of HIV infected individuals.
How many people were murdered by the people who took this absurd decision? A decision that deliberately took no account of the right of people to be secured from infection and deliberately ignored the usual method of tackling epidemics.
There was one country that refused to be party to this decision which allows quarantine to be compared with the UN recommendation. In Cuba they introduced quarantine for HIV sufferers. During this isolation the sufferers are treated and educated about the transmission of the disease and released after 8 weeks of quarantine. The result of this approach was a near zero prevalence of HIV (currently 0.05% compared with 0.3% in the USA) despite the fact that Cuban Soldiers were returning from SW Africa with a high incidence of infection.
AIDS deaths were reduced to a very low level in one of the poorest countries in the world. The reduction of HIV to a small proportion of the population allowed Cuba to apply retroviral therapy to all of those who had HIV.
Had there been the usual quarantine for HIV globally it would have been controlled rapidly. The absence of quarantine meant that at least 30 million of the 36 million people across the world who died from AIDS died as a result of the action of the UN. This was tantamount to murder.
We all rightly revile the genocides that have killed millions but this preventable death toll by postmodern murderers goes unmentioned. So many people were killed by the self righteous it makes you feel sick.
The postmodern nature of the amorality of those who support the ban on quarantine for HIV is evident the moment it is discussed, the discussion immediately centres on the violation of the right of gay men to keep their contacts private. It then moves on to the mode of infection, suggesting that sex is not casual - except amongst those who deserve to die. Indeed, there is usually no understanding that more than half of those infected with HIV are women and children. (Although even if HIV were restricted to gay men quarantine would still be the preferred choice).
It is not good enough for those who killed all of these people to say that they had good intentions, they were postmodern, they had no meaningful intentions at all.
The religious extremists also conspired in this attempt to wipe out anyone who had casual sex but had they been alone in their conspiracy it would have been obvious that they intended to kill millions of people.
HIV/AIDS in Cuba: a model for care or an ethical dilemma?
Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49)
HIV/AIDS in Cuba Lessons and Challenges
How many people were murdered by the people who took this absurd decision? A decision that deliberately took no account of the right of people to be secured from infection and deliberately ignored the usual method of tackling epidemics.
There was one country that refused to be party to this decision which allows quarantine to be compared with the UN recommendation. In Cuba they introduced quarantine for HIV sufferers. During this isolation the sufferers are treated and educated about the transmission of the disease and released after 8 weeks of quarantine. The result of this approach was a near zero prevalence of HIV (currently 0.05% compared with 0.3% in the USA) despite the fact that Cuban Soldiers were returning from SW Africa with a high incidence of infection.
AIDS deaths were reduced to a very low level in one of the poorest countries in the world. The reduction of HIV to a small proportion of the population allowed Cuba to apply retroviral therapy to all of those who had HIV.
Had there been the usual quarantine for HIV globally it would have been controlled rapidly. The absence of quarantine meant that at least 30 million of the 36 million people across the world who died from AIDS died as a result of the action of the UN. This was tantamount to murder.
We all rightly revile the genocides that have killed millions but this preventable death toll by postmodern murderers goes unmentioned. So many people were killed by the self righteous it makes you feel sick.
The postmodern nature of the amorality of those who support the ban on quarantine for HIV is evident the moment it is discussed, the discussion immediately centres on the violation of the right of gay men to keep their contacts private. It then moves on to the mode of infection, suggesting that sex is not casual - except amongst those who deserve to die. Indeed, there is usually no understanding that more than half of those infected with HIV are women and children. (Although even if HIV were restricted to gay men quarantine would still be the preferred choice).
It is not good enough for those who killed all of these people to say that they had good intentions, they were postmodern, they had no meaningful intentions at all.
The religious extremists also conspired in this attempt to wipe out anyone who had casual sex but had they been alone in their conspiracy it would have been obvious that they intended to kill millions of people.
HIV/AIDS in Cuba: a model for care or an ethical dilemma?
Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49)
HIV/AIDS in Cuba Lessons and Challenges
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Maggie Danhakl • Assistant Marketing Manager
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