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Signs of indoctrination in the EU Referendum

It has become apparent since the Leave victory in the June Referendum that many Remain voters had not really engaged with the issues of Remaining in or Leaving the EU.  As an example, much of the social media that covers the Remain cause are rehashing the now discredited forecasts of economic doom by the Bank of England and Treasury.  Indeed, many Remain voters are unaware that the Bank of England has actually apologised for these forecasts. They are not fully engaged with events.  Most importantly however, the Remain voters persist in calling Leave voters "Racists" and "Xenophobes" despite all evidence to the contrary:

Remain voters simply dismiss the possibility that Leave supporters may have had valid concerns despite many surveys showing that Leave voters were often deeply concerned about self-government:

Indeed, the idea that Self Government is linked to racism is the clearest indication of indoctrination. Nations are organised groups of people who operate an economy and social system based on a particular area of land.  They have cultures and economies that are usually dynamically adapting to local conditions and to the relationship between the locality and the world at large.  This is the definition of a Nation but Remain voters have been indoctrinated into the belief that a Nation is an ethnic group that desires ascendancy.  It is indoctrination because the least consideration shows that this is not a definition of a modern Nation.  It is also indoctrination because the charge of "racism" is deliberately designed to prevent critical engagement with the issues - the Leave voters being portrayed as moral pariahs who should be excluded rather than debated.

So where did the Remain voters form their view of the issues involved in the EU Referendum?  The most important insight into this problem is the fact that it was very young voters who most supported Remain.

This should trouble all of us in the UK.  Our schools have clearly been used to indoctrinate* their pupils.   Teachers and students might claim that they are more intelligent than the rest of the population but Remain voters are far more likely to call themselves "citizens of the world" or "Europeans" and are detached from concern for local people, seeing the EU as a place that might deliver personal financial and career gains. Indeed, with the Bank of England apologising for its, and the government's, financial predictions during the referendum the claim to greater intelligence amongst Remain voters looks less likely than their vote being due to greater conformism amongst teachers and students.. 

More evidence for indoctrination comes from the reaction to the Referendum result amongst many young Remain voters: they were reduced to tears.  Now, we all know that few young Remain supporters actually studied the EU Referendum or knew much about the history and likely future of the EU so why "tears"? Emotional reactions such as crying in response to political events are typical of indoctrination.  The recent death of Kim Jong II in N. Korea was met by floods of tears, as were the deaths of Stalin and Mao.

How can you tell if you have been indoctrinated?  If you have a feeling of distress or sadness about a change but cannot identify exactly why you have this feeling then you have almost certainly been a victim of indoctrination.  You will either have to accept the change and cheer up or invent some spurious reason for your malaise such as "they've taken away my right to work in the EU" - despite such inventions being dubious, for instance the ability to work in the EU will continue using work permits.

There is an important lesson here.  Teachers must be prevented from indoctrinating children with their political views.  We all know that children want to "do good" and the cunning recasting of the debate about self government and the economy into racists versus anti-racists has been used to exploit this childhood innocence.  It is essential as part of the process of Brexit that the school curriculum is trimmed of overtly political content and teachers are trained how to teach with a neutral presentation. Teachers have been under huge pressure from the government to teach Internationalism because c.25% of children are now from overseas backgrounds but they should be academics, not the mouthpiece of the government.  Across the world, from the Taliban madrassars to Chinese communism, teachers have been used by governments to indoctrinate children and we must stop it happening here.

There is also strong evidence that academics in general may be systematically biassed - the Adam Smith Institute has just published a study of bias in the employment of academics in the UK: Lackademia: Why do Academics Lean Left by Noah Carl.

Indoctrination did not just occur in schools, the whole political establishment in the UK was committed to the Remain cause and were prepared to use strong propaganda to smear the Leave campaign with charges of xenophobia and racism.  The broadcast media conspired in these smears by focussing interviews on any Leave supporters who held such views.  These smears convinced many conformist Remain voters; and Teachers rank as some of the most conformist people in society.

It will puzzle future generations why so many people in the UK supported Investment Banks and Multinational companies against their fellow citizens in the Referendum campaign - see Funding of the Remain Campaign.  The answer is simple, they were indoctrinated at school and by the broadcast media.

* "Indoctrination" consists of presenting one side of a debate as if it is the "moral highground" and the only possible view.  Communists presented communism in this way to their children, any opposing views being labelled "reactionary", "insane" and "imperialist". Indoctrination is educating people so that they attack people as evil for holding views rather than addressing those views.


Anonymous said…
Interesting and amazing how your post is! It Is Useful and helpful for me That I like it very much, and I am looking forward to Hearing from your next.. indoctrination

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