The StrongerIn campaign was started last year by the current Chair of the European Movement, Laura Sandys. What is this "European Movement"?
"The European Movement was formally created on the 25th October 1948, when the Joint International Committee for European Unity decided to change its name. Duncan Sandys was elected President and Léon Blum, Winston Churchill, Alcide De Gasperi and Paul-Henri Spaak were elected as Honorary Presidents. The first major achievement of the European Movement was the creation of the Council of Europe in May 1949." History of European Movement
What follows is fully documented by the links. If you don't believe anything click on a link to check it.
Laura Sandys is the daughter of Duncan Sandys. The European Movement was financed by the Americans in an operation called ACUE (American Committee on United Europe) which was sanctioned by the Allies after WWII. Duncan Sandys realised that the USA was the only large scale source of funds but was: "Very anxious that American support for the European Movement should not be known" Ref 1. ACUE also funded Jean Monnet's ACUSE (Action Committee for a United States of Europe) and was run by the CIA.
It is only by chance that the US funding of the European Movement came to light. FX Rebattet, the son of the Secretary General of the European Movement at the time, wrote a doctoral thesis on the Movement in 1962 which included descriptions of funding based on original sources. This was written in the full confidence that it would be placed under lock and key by the authorities. However, thirty years later it was released for public view, probably by mistake.
The European Movement has made strenuous efforts to rebut the charge that it runs StrongerIn. However, StrongerIn was first incorporated in the same building as the European Movement:
"Records show the BSE campaign was incorporated on 16 June 2015, under the name "Interim Campaign Limited", at the address of 1st Floor Milbank Tower, 21-24 Milbank. The founder, director and sole shareholder was stated as Laura Sandys. Mrs Sandys is a former Tory MP. She is also chair of the European Movement." - Telegraph Article.
Laura Sandys made the mistake of signing the incorporation documents, as "Guido Fawkes" exposed:
Milbank Tower is the headquarters of the European Movement. There was a lot of reporting in the press that StrongerIn was part of the European Movement so the Campaign moved offices.
Although the European Movement received covert US support it is widely known that the EU also openly finances the European Movement's research activities and its youth wing.
The funding of the European Movement has been a covert operation since it was established. The American Committee for a United Europe (ACUE) was, from the beginning, set up for funds to be massaged through non-government, often corporate vehicles, eventually including the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations:
The funding was transferred to private "foundations" and corporations, under CIA guidance, during the 1960s.
It rapidly became evident that two routes were needed to obtain European Union. The first was a mass movement, supported by the European Movement, and the second was an elite movement. The secretary general of the European Movement, Joseph Retinger, was tasked, in 1952, to set up a group of senior politicians and industrialists to work towards European integration and foster transatlantic dialogue and to continue providing funds for groups such as the European Movement through the wealthy connections of its members. This group was named the "Bilderberg Group". The original Bilderberg Group was set up with a committee derived from those on ACUE. (Yes the Bilderberg Group does exist and its not run by aliens -see Bilderberg web site - its an EU pressure group and was set up for that purpose)
Bilderberg has been more successful in many ways than the European Movement and surveys of European Elites show that many of the Elite see being pro-EU as a hugely positive career boost.
Occasionally Bilderberg has even intervened directly in EU affairs:
"A meeting in June in Europe of the Bilderberg Group - an informal club of leading politicians, businessmen and thinkers chaired by Mr Davignon - (EU Commissioner) - could also "improve understanding" on future action, in the same way it helped create the euro in the 1990s, he said. "EU Observer
This is not a conspiracy theory, Bilderberg was set up to foster the European Union and for Transatlantic dialogue. That was, and is, the whole point of Bilderberg.
Obviously "StrongerIn" are going to scream "foul!" and deny absolutely that they are a front for the European Movement and owe their existence to a covert CIA operation. The European Movement has always done the same and had it not been for a security slip up, releasing documents after 30 years instead of 100 years we would be none the wiser.
As voters we must decide whether we really want to be US and EU puppets in some bizarre American plan to turn the world into a giant United States. We must also ask if the EU and US funded organisations should be allowed anywhere near our EU Referendum.
Perhaps the most extraordinary aspect of this whole sorry tale is the spectacle of young pro-EU supporters who imagine that a US led, corporate vision of the world is going to bring about social justice. Do they really think that Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan are financing StrongerIn because the EU will be green and socially responsible. Check out Goldman Sachs. Wake up, the USA created an EU fit for corporations, not a social utopia.
Goldman Sachs and the Immediate Funding of Britain Stronger In Europe
Two large American Banks have been at the forefront of funding StrongerIn.Goldman Sachs has given a 'six figure' contribution and JP Morgan has also stumped up a huge sum. Both American banks are coy about the exact extent of their funding of Britain Stronger in Europe. The announcement of US bank funding came during an elite meeting of US, EU and British politicians at Davos.
"The European Movement was formally created on the 25th October 1948, when the Joint International Committee for European Unity decided to change its name. Duncan Sandys was elected President and Léon Blum, Winston Churchill, Alcide De Gasperi and Paul-Henri Spaak were elected as Honorary Presidents. The first major achievement of the European Movement was the creation of the Council of Europe in May 1949." History of European Movement
What follows is fully documented by the links. If you don't believe anything click on a link to check it.
Laura Sandys is the daughter of Duncan Sandys. The European Movement was financed by the Americans in an operation called ACUE (American Committee on United Europe) which was sanctioned by the Allies after WWII. Duncan Sandys realised that the USA was the only large scale source of funds but was: "Very anxious that American support for the European Movement should not be known" Ref 1. ACUE also funded Jean Monnet's ACUSE (Action Committee for a United States of Europe) and was run by the CIA.
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Financing of European Movement. |
The European Movement has made strenuous efforts to rebut the charge that it runs StrongerIn. However, StrongerIn was first incorporated in the same building as the European Movement:
"Records show the BSE campaign was incorporated on 16 June 2015, under the name "Interim Campaign Limited", at the address of 1st Floor Milbank Tower, 21-24 Milbank. The founder, director and sole shareholder was stated as Laura Sandys. Mrs Sandys is a former Tory MP. She is also chair of the European Movement." - Telegraph Article.
Laura Sandys made the mistake of signing the incorporation documents, as "Guido Fawkes" exposed:
Milbank Tower is the headquarters of the European Movement. There was a lot of reporting in the press that StrongerIn was part of the European Movement so the Campaign moved offices.
Although the European Movement received covert US support it is widely known that the EU also openly finances the European Movement's research activities and its youth wing.
The funding of the European Movement has been a covert operation since it was established. The American Committee for a United Europe (ACUE) was, from the beginning, set up for funds to be massaged through non-government, often corporate vehicles, eventually including the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations:
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Financing of European Movement. Ref 1 |
It rapidly became evident that two routes were needed to obtain European Union. The first was a mass movement, supported by the European Movement, and the second was an elite movement. The secretary general of the European Movement, Joseph Retinger, was tasked, in 1952, to set up a group of senior politicians and industrialists to work towards European integration and foster transatlantic dialogue and to continue providing funds for groups such as the European Movement through the wealthy connections of its members. This group was named the "Bilderberg Group". The original Bilderberg Group was set up with a committee derived from those on ACUE. (Yes the Bilderberg Group does exist and its not run by aliens -see Bilderberg web site - its an EU pressure group and was set up for that purpose)
Bilderberg has been more successful in many ways than the European Movement and surveys of European Elites show that many of the Elite see being pro-EU as a hugely positive career boost.
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Survey showing effect of Bilderberg - See Ref 2 |
"A meeting in June in Europe of the Bilderberg Group - an informal club of leading politicians, businessmen and thinkers chaired by Mr Davignon - (EU Commissioner) - could also "improve understanding" on future action, in the same way it helped create the euro in the 1990s, he said. "EU Observer
This is not a conspiracy theory, Bilderberg was set up to foster the European Union and for Transatlantic dialogue. That was, and is, the whole point of Bilderberg.
Obviously "StrongerIn" are going to scream "foul!" and deny absolutely that they are a front for the European Movement and owe their existence to a covert CIA operation. The European Movement has always done the same and had it not been for a security slip up, releasing documents after 30 years instead of 100 years we would be none the wiser.
As voters we must decide whether we really want to be US and EU puppets in some bizarre American plan to turn the world into a giant United States. We must also ask if the EU and US funded organisations should be allowed anywhere near our EU Referendum.
Perhaps the most extraordinary aspect of this whole sorry tale is the spectacle of young pro-EU supporters who imagine that a US led, corporate vision of the world is going to bring about social justice. Do they really think that Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan are financing StrongerIn because the EU will be green and socially responsible. Check out Goldman Sachs. Wake up, the USA created an EU fit for corporations, not a social utopia.
Goldman Sachs and the Immediate Funding of Britain Stronger In Europe
Two large American Banks have been at the forefront of funding StrongerIn.Goldman Sachs has given a 'six figure' contribution and JP Morgan has also stumped up a huge sum. Both American banks are coy about the exact extent of their funding of Britain Stronger in Europe. The announcement of US bank funding came during an elite meeting of US, EU and British politicians at Davos.
Even a cursory search of the Internet will show that Goldman Sachs in particular is hand in glove with the US government and CIA. The fact that the media are equating foreign funding of the "Remain" campaign with domestic funding of the "Leave" campaign is puzzling. Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan have since been joined by US Banks Citigroup and Morgan Stanley. The huge US comms company Liberty Global is now also backing StrongerIn.
It is interesting that Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan were highly represented at the 11th-14th June 2015 Bilderberg Meeting and "European Strategy" and the "United Kingdom" were on the agenda - Europe doesn't generally get a "strategy" meeting and the United Kingdom is not normally on the agenda at all. Note also that StrongerIn was set up on 16th June 2015, just two days after the Bilderberg meeting and financed by the US Investment banks. Goldman Sachs were represented at the meeting by Peter Sutherland (Chairman) and Robert Zoellick (Chairman, Board of International Advisors). Mary Erdoes, the CEO of JP Morgan was also present. Peter Sutherland is also Honorary President of the European Movement Ireland on the European Policy Centre and a host of other EU related bodies. Robert Zoellick is the US Government connection at Goldman Sachs, being an ex-US Deputy Secretary of State and close collaborator with ex-CIA Director David Petraeus, who was also at the June meeting.
Here is a complete list of the attendees at the meeting:
Notice the GBR attendees included the BBC, FT and Economist: they were not there to report on the Plan but to implement it! Bloomberg was also present and is now one of the main Remain campaigners despite being American. Michael O'Leary of Ryanair, now one of the most vocal supporters of StrongerIn, was also present.
In 2014 David Cameron appointed Rhona Fairhead, an HSBC banker (note HSBC's involvement in Bilderberg), to run the BBC whilst still acting as audit director of the Swiss subsidiary of HSBC, the bank that massages billions in corporation tax avoidance out of the EU (See Rona Fairhead and the EU Tax Avoidance Scandal).
Footnote: Acceptance of European Union was stipulated by the US Congress as a condition for the post-WWII "Marshall Plan". The Americans were surprised that the British, who had borne most of the weight of the War in the West, did not immediately consent to disappear into a European Union:
"The British went to extraordinary lengths to resist the Marshall Plan’s insistence on immediate economic integration with the rest of Europe, the great string attached to Marshall aid everywhere."
The Marshall Plan: A Strategy that Worked. Marshall Plan Website.
This led to the USA providing recovery funding for the ex-axis powers in preference to the UK and the UK incurring further debt instead of relief. Having, in the name of independence, suffered a war debt to the USA that was only paid off this century the British are now being instructed by their Elite to join the EU.
The IMF, UN, World Bank, WTO etc. will all be brought into play to persuade the British to Remain in the EU because these are the bodies devised by the US to shape the world as it wanted. Most are mainly US financed and controlled.
Further footnote: Were the Russians anti-EU and the Americans pro-EU? The KGB became opposed to the EEC around 1977 but were mainly involved in spying. The EU only became a serious prospect in the 1980s. Breshnev and the KGB were torn between whether to support or undermine any union. In 1988 Gorbachev began his campaign for creating an EU that leaned towards Russia, the "Common European Home". It seems that in the years leading up to the creation of the European Union in 1993 both the USA and USSR were encouraging union.
This subversion by the European Movement and CIA is appalling in a democracy. The referendum should clearly ask whether people want a world of independent countries regulated by International Law or Global Government on the US Federalist model (ie: EU+TTIP in 20years). It is time to end the subversion. The USA has created a plutocracy called the EU that arrogantly believes it can control the people through the media and PR to do whatever it wants.
Postscript: Since the EU Referendum the BBC, FT, Economist and Bloomberg have continued to fight for "Remain" by undermining confidence in the UK economy. Brexit does not happen until 2019 but all of these sources of news are running non-stop coverage of how Brexit is destroying the economy. Alan Rusbridger, the creator of the modern Guardian newspaper, was also closely aligned with Bilderberg and the Guardian has even hosted articles saying that the British should be punished for Brexit.
Ref 1: Aldrich, Richard J.(1997)'OSS, CIA and European unity: The American committee on United Europe, 1948-60',Diplomacy & Statecraft,8:1,184 — 227
Ref 2:The Europe of Elites
Ref 3: Comrade Kryuchkov's Instructions: Top Secret Files on KGB Foreign Operations. Christopher M. Andrew, Oleg Gordievsky.