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The Great Rebellion

The Great Rebellion is against one economy, one law, one culture and one rule for all of Europe.  It is a battle against an Establishment Coup that wants to centralize all power marginalizing whole nations let alone the individual people.

It should be obvious by now that the main voices favouring the EU are greedy corporations and venal politicians. That multinational corporations and foreign politicians are queuing to bully you into voting to Remain should set alarm bells ringing.

The rebellion is against an Establishment that has persuaded millions in Britain that remaining in the EU is the "safe" option when the truth is that the EU is just about to change into a full political union where the UK will be terminated and we will be plunged, powerless, into a world controlled by a corporate Elite.

The world is depending on you, the citizens of a nation that has nurtured independence and freedom to stand up to the bullies.  Trust your instinct for freedom, you know that the apparatus of useful international cooperation is about to fall into the hands of the greedy and ruthless.

We see that the heartless Austerity programme in Greece and our own Austerity are related, they are both caused by the EU (check the link) and reject the idea that one Government can rule all of Europe. The EU disconnects the government from the People and puts it in the hands of heartless ideologists, corporations and their media.

Make no mistake.  When the EU Referendum is over there will be big changes in Europe.  If the UK remains in the EU it will control only 1 in 12 votes in the EU Council. There are now hardly any vetoes; no State can preserve itself.   The voice of Britain will be silenced forever. The independence of Britain will be lost and the UK terminated.  The whole continent of Europe will be a monoculture, governed without reference to locality or diversity.  Governed by corporations and ideologues.

If Britain takes its rightful place outside the madness of the EU it will become a beacon for freedom.  It will demonstrate how countries can respect each other's diversity without invasion, absorption or union.  It will mediate between the EU and Russia and stop the EU from consuming all the free nations on its borders.

It will not be easy.  As it was in 1920s Europe so it is in Britain today, the State has deployed its teachers and State controlled television to fill the people and children with propaganda. But the people will ask themselves why their only desire is to be part of an EU "gang" and why they only associate "evil" words with the rebels rather than considering rebel policies.  If they are wise they will realise that the implanted, emotional reaction to the rebels is the hallmark of propaganda.

This is truly the Great Rebellion, every office of State has been bent to the cause of the EU.  All educational institutions have been corrupted and their managers selected to be pro-EU.  The head of Universities UK has been replaced by Goodfellow, an EU activist.  Almost every newspaper has fallen into the hands of EU sympathizers.  All government media channels and their journalists have been told what is expected of them.  The head of the CBI has been changed to be an EU man.  An EU man has been appointed head of Ofcom to ensure media support. All established political parties have been offered money and advancement by the EU.  The Labour Party have even tried to hijack the Anti-Austerity movement to subvert it into a pro-EU movement.  Rebellion against such massed corruption is almost without parallel in recent history.

But be assured that the Great Rebellion will succeed.  We have allowed a hostile, foreign power deep within our democracy but the British People will resist, they will defeat the apparatchiks of the EU, the State and the powerful.

If you want to stop Austerity and have freedom join the Great Rebellion.

Each Nation's culture is precious. We stand against those who crush difference and diversity as we stand against all racism**.  If you don't think the pro-EU lobby are racists and that State sponsored racism is stalking Europe again take a look at this EU PR film about all joining together in harmony and safety:

The racism is so ingrained they don't even know they are doing it.

The EU is the nightmare creation of racists of the second kind: those who fear difference so much that they want it erased.  They desire Europe to become a land of coffee coloured people all singing the same song: the ultimate racist tyranny, a childish "utopia" where everyone is the same and marches together to crush diversity underfoot.  And the really scary thing is that they don't even realize they are doing it.  They believe they are "holier" than everyone else so could not possibly have such a terrible flaw.  This mentality is the hallmark of all the terrible insanities that have swept through human history.

TinyURL for this article:

See Membership of the EU: Pros and Cons.

The EU: Utopia of Unfit for British Ethnic Minorities?

The Anti-Austerity Protests

All the important players in Europe are moving towards political union.

Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor said:

"we need a political union first and foremost" (BBC News).

Francois Hollande, the French president said:

"Political union is the step that follows fiscal union, banking union, and social union. It will provide a democratic framework for successful integration." (Le Monde)

President Sergio Mattarella of Italy's inaugural speech Feb 2015:

"The EU is now once again a perspective of hope and true political union to be relaunched without delay."

Mariano Rajoy Brey, Spanish prime minister:

"We need to fix these objectives - fiscal union, banking union, political union...And we must set a time scale. We are giving a message that we really want greater European integration. We can't say something is this first, then something else, without saying where we're going," Rajoy said at a news conference with Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti. (Reuters report).

What the European Commission says:

José Manuel Durão Barroso, President of the European Commission  said:

"This is why the Economic and Monetary Union raises the question of a political union and the European democracy that must underpin it."...

.."A deep and genuine economic and monetary union, a political union, with a coherent foreign and defence policy, means ultimately that the present European Union must evolve." (State of the Union 2012 Address to the European Parliament on 12 September 2012).

The EU's Blueprint for a deep and genuine economic and monetary union (and political union) states that:

"This Blueprint for a Deep and Genuine EMU describes the necessary
elements and the steps towards a full banking, economic, fiscal and political union."
What the European Central Bank says:

1999 paper by the European Central Bank: Europe: Common Money - Political Union?   In this paper it says that:

"The monetary order established by the Maastricht Treaty with the detailed statute of the European System of Central Banks by itself represents an important building block for the development of a European statehood."

The importance of the connection between monetary union and the establishment of a single state was well understood at the new European Central Bank in 1999:

"So what does the future hold? Anyone who believes in the role of a single currency as a pace-setter in achieving political unity (Europe will be created by means of a single currency or not at all (Jacques Rueff 1950)) will regard the decisive step as has having already been taken. This does not provide an answer as to how the "rest" of the journey should be approached. "

How does the European Central Bank see the current Euro crisis evolving? Here is an extract from an ECB approved presentation on the subject, Short Term Crisis Management and Long Term Vision, describing the 4 steps to a solution:

  1. The first is a financial union, with a single framework for supervising and resolving banks and for insuring customer deposits. This would build on the single supervisory mechanism now under development and ideally lead to a European version of the FDIC, financed by contributions from the private sector.
  2. The second building block is a fiscal union, with powers at the euro area level to prevent unsustainable fiscal policies and to limit national debt issuance. With these powers in place, a path towards common debt issuance would also be possible, but only at the end of the process.
  3. The third building block is an economic union, which would help euro area members to remain fit and to adjust flexibly within monetary union. This could entail, for example, moving from soft coordination of structural reforms in Member States to an enforceable framework at the euro area level.
  4. And the fourth building block is a political union, which aims at strengthening democratic participation. This final building block is equally important, as the other measures cannot be effective unless they are legitimate. This requires innovative thinking as regards the involvement of the European Parliament and national parliaments in decision-making on euro area issues.


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